Create a WhatsApp button for free on your website

Allow customers to contact your business instantly through a clickable icon with the WhatsApp logo, available on all pages of your site.

Step 1 de 2

Generate your website's WhatsApp button now

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Transfer conversations and view message history

Learn how to make your company's WhatsApp thrive in sales

Why use the floating button



Generate the code in seconds and integrate it into your site
Generate the code in seconds and integrate it into your site
Capture and engage your customers directly
Capture and engage your customers directly
Simplify contact with your business
Simplify contact with your business
Increase your sales effectively
Increase your sales effectively

How to use the WhatsApp button generator?

By filling out the necessary fields, the button code will be generated automatically. Then, just copy this code and paste it inside the tag of your site. Once installed, you will start receiving messages on the WhatsApp number you provided during the process.

Receive contacts intelligently

Automate the collection of essential data to ensure your sales team doesn't miss any opportunity
Simplify the process for your customers to get in touch, eliminating unnecessary barriers and obstacles
Simplify the process for your customers to get in touch, eliminating unnecessary barriers and obstacles
Build trust and ease the customer journey by offering a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience
Build trust and ease the customer journey by offering a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience
Implement an effective omnichannel strategy, unifying all customer interactions in a single channel
Implement an effective omnichannel strategy, unifying all customer interactions in a single channel

Want to further enhance your results?

Meet Huggy + WhatsApp

✅ Centralize your company's WhatsApp history in one place
✅ Serve using 1 number for multiple attendants
✅ Offer automated service with 24/7 chatbots
✅ Integrate your service channels and CRM with the API

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

What is Huggy?

Huggy is a Digital Customer Service Platform that centralizes channels like WhatsApp, Instagram, Online Chat, among others, on a single screen and enhances conversations between businesses and customers efficiently and scalably. With Huggy, you can use chatbots and improve customer service results for sales, marketing, support, and customer success.

What is the WhatsApp button generator?

A tool that allows you to create a custom button that, when clicked, directs visitors to a direct conversation on WhatsApp. These buttons are embedded in websites to facilitate interaction with customers or users. They are a convenient way to start a conversation on WhatsApp, whether for inquiries, orders, or any other form of communication. These buttons are customizable in terms of text and phone number to which the conversation is directed.

What are the advantages of the WhatsApp button generator?

Easy access to your company's WhatsApp, direct integration that eliminates engagement barriers, increased conversion rates, adaptable customization to specific needs, making it a powerful tool to facilitate direct communication with users, driving interactions and business results.